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Our members are the backbone of the Greens. They’re the reason we keep going from strength to strength, even as we face some of our biggest challenges yet.

We’re a grassroots, people-powered party, which means joining the Greens gives you a real say in progressive politics. Our members formulate Greens policy; have access to world-class training and members only events; and decide who will represent us in Parliament.

Membership options

The Greens SA have an equitable new membership structure to ensure membership is accessible to everyone. Here’s how your membership supports our movement:

Under 18 years ($5) / First Nations ($0) / Concession ($30)

Accessible membership options for young people, First Nations people and healthcare, student and concession card holders. Your participation as members is crucial to ensuring that our membership reflects the make-up of our society.

Low-income ($60)

Your contribution provides a consistent revenue stream that enables us to pay the rent, keep the lights on and pay our essential office staff.

Standard ($120) / Greenscheme ($15 per month)

Your contribution enables us to subsidise Greens memberships for young people and low-income earners. It also provides additional revenue that enables us to hire permanent campaigning and organising staff, and make bold plans for the future of our party.

How to decide

While it’s entirely up to you, we encourage you to select the membership option that best reflects your circumstances and what you can comfortably take on.

You might opt to pay less on the scale if you:

  • Have caring responsibilities
  • Have significant debt
  • Have a concession or health-care card
  • Are receiving income support payments

Please consider paying more if you:

  • Own the home you live in
  • Have investments, retirement accounts or inherited money
  • Travel recreationally
  • Have access to family resources in times of need
  • Work part-time by choice
  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power
  • Benefit from structural privilege, like gender, racial or class background

Your membership is a powerful way to help ensure the Greens SA have the resources to build our movement and increase our parliamentary representation at all levels of government.

Membership includes:

  • Membership of your local branch
  • Membership of South Australian Greens (state body)
  • Membership of the Australian Greens (national body)

This form securely accepts Visa or MasterCard, Credit or Debit cards, using eWAY.

In applying for Membership of the South Australian Greens, you make the following declaration:
I declare that I am not a member of another political party or the subordinate of another political party. I will not join such a proscribed organisation while I am a member of the Greens. I have read the Charter of the Greens and agree to abide by the Party's constitution.

I understand that my application for membership of the South Australian Greens is subject to approval by the existing party membership.

Joining the SA Greens

Membership details:

The First Nations free membership is an action taken by the South Australian Greens to 'pay the rent'. This has been implemented as a direct response to supporters of the Original Greens (BlakGreens). 

Please choose one of the below annual membership options. You will be reminded to renew your membership before it lapses. 

Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
Personal details
SA - Membership Details (Copy)
We don't send out paper mail very often. Please tick this box if you don't want to receive any at all.
SA - Further Membership Information + First Nations

Postal address

Residential address, if different to your postal address

Do you identify as an Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander?

We will now transfer you to our payment partner for processing.

Our payment partner supports the following card types.

Billing Name and Address