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Barker Greens Campaign Fund


With both a state and federal election looming, now more than ever it is crucial that we come together to stand up for the issues that matter in Barker and the state electorates of Chaffey, Hammond, MacKillop, Mount Gambier and Schubert. 

The Greens are the only party with a bold vision for change that is capable of addressing the social, economic and environmental issues facing Australia.

Unlike the other parties, we don’t take corporate donations, we rely on the support of people like you. Your donation will make a real difference to our local campaigns and will make sure the issues that affect you are front and centre in Barker.

We're fundraising to build a campaign without corporate influence, that will hold major parties to account.


Can you help us fund the Barker Greens campaign?

Help us fight for our planet, for justice, for a green recovery, and for integrity in politics.

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NOTE: If you wish your donation to be used for a specific purpose please indicate that in the Comments field above.

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