Registration is closed for this event
Join the Heysen volunteer team clean up Aldgate to protect the Adelaide Hills environment.

While many in our community are already doing their part to reduce waste in our environment, there's still work to be done. We continue to see litter along our roadsides and waterways. It's time for collective action!

On March 3rd in Aldgate, let's come together for Clean Up Australia Day dedicated to combating litter and waste. Bring your family, and friends for a cause that truly matters. Every piece of litter we collect is a step towards safeguarding our environment and protecting our wildlife.

Adelaide Hills Councillor, Melanie Selwood, will be hosting the event in collaboration with the Mayo branch of the Greens. This is an excellent opportunity to not only make a tangible impact but also connect with like-minded individuals committed to environmental stewardship.

Our meeting point is the park opposite Fred's Eatery in Aldgate. Let's gather there, armed with passion and purpose, ready to make a difference. 

See you on the day to take action for a cleaner, greener Aldgate!

March 3rd, 2024 10:00 AM   through   12:00 PM
220 Mount Barker Road

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