Registration is closed for this event
Learn how to have vote changing conversations!

The Greens are in it to win Dunstan and we've already knocked on thousands of doors across the electorate. Now it's time to improve our persuasive conversation abilities so we can have even more vote-shifting interactions. 

Doorknocking is the most impactful way we can reach voters. If you have never been doorknocking and want to gain the confidence to give it a try join us for a training session and doorknock. You will learn the skills to have vote changing conversations with the community. 

If you have been to a couple of doorknocks and are beginning to build confidence - or even if you're a staunch doorknocker achieving PB's every week now is the chance to level up your persuasive conversation skills. Before the final push of the Dunstan campaign, we want as many of our doorknockers as possible to come along and fine tune their skills of persuasions owe can make the most of the last few weeks before the by-election. 

Learn methods for overcoming common barriers and how to open up deeper conversations with people with "no issues". Hear from experienced doorknockers about how to make the most of these all-important one-to-one conversations and forge meaningful community connections. 

Register now to level UP your doorknocking skills and help win Dunstan!

March 2nd, 2024 10:00 AM   through   1:00 PM
175 The Parade
Don Pyatt Hall
Phone: 82124888